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Enigmatic Variations N0 1665 - Untitled By Luxor

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Matakari | 07:20 Mon 21st Oct 2024 | Crosswords
54 Answers

Good morning, this one looks interesting, no missing letters and I’ve got a few, but need some help with the following to get me going faster. Many thanks in advance!

2 Scottish element of property rental platform losing two billion ( 4 )
18 Couple from south in hotel in Italy – one renowned for great escapes ( 7 )
20 Fools chasing devil in irresolvable situations ( 8 )
22 Having similar forms of depression from social mixing holding nothing back ( 9 )
30 Trashy boxing simulation set up giving out-of-hand predictions? ( 9 )
36 Keen artist cross with king ( 5 )

( PREAMBLE: The puzzle is temporarily UNTITLED because the letters of the title are missing. All clues are given in alphabetical order of their answers, which must be entered into the grid where they will fit. Solvers must enter a single letter from each column into the barred-off cell at the top, revealing the title across the row. Chambers Dictionary ( 2016 ) is recommended. )





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Many thanks, NACW, I’ve been staring at each column for some time now, but cannot see any sustained letter pattern emerging. Any hint from the first column would be appreciated, thanks! Looking forward to the new Eye Crossword and Spectator for a more relaxed solving!

Matakari,my big hint at the start of this thread was enough for JJ to see the solution immediately. I'll  repeat it - just read downwards in each column. There is no repeating letter pattern, but each column contains  a word, a word you must have seen 100s of times in all the crosswords you've done. Using those words to get a letter will soon fill in the top. 

PS Do you want my email address if you're going to send this one in?!

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Thanks, NACW, I'll have a look at this again and if I do not succeed, I'll take up your kind offer.

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Good evening, NACW, I've been checking every column for words and have got so many, I know not what to do with them! I would be happy now to have your e-mail, thanks!

I'm very busy, so this is rushed, Matakari...or Mike Alpha Tango Alpha....


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Good morning, my grid is full and I've been seeking the letters for the barred-off cell from a host of words seen in each down column. But the letters still elude me. Can someone give me the words from each column so that I may examine them and try to work out the appropriate letters? Many thanks for helping me to put this one to rest!

There is a word in each column that spells out a word used in the phonetic alphabet

In column 1 you should see "alpha" which is "A" in the phonetic alphabet, so place an "A"in the to cell of column 1

....and so on!

Matakari, I thought my post last night would be enough for you! If you'd looked again at the columns, you would have seen Alpha, Lima, Papa etc- and then could have put ALP etc in the grid. There isn't much for you to 'work out' really! 

Matakari, sorry - I meant  you would then be able to put ALP  etc in the top line and complete the puzzle's title. Have you got it now- surely?! 

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Many thanks, NACW and jj109, it's crystal clear to me now! 

Thank goodness for that, Matakari - I don't know what else we could have done to finish this for you! 

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Thanks for another great lesson! Parsing for this last answer would be appreciated.
43 Reported evil leader of triad, an agent of unnatural darkness ( 6 ) :

Syntan = a synthetic leather tanning substance which I presume = "agent of unnatural darkness" 

Syn = reported/sounds like sin(evil)

T = leader of T(riad)


= Syn T an

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Subtle parsing, jj109! I got the "sin" part and the definition but could'nt see the rest. Many thanks !

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Enigmatic Variations N0 1665 - Untitled By Luxor

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