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Talk About Embarrassing.....

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ToraToraTora | 22:26 Mon 02nd Dec 2024 | News
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Is there no form of scraping too low for our PM? Gawd we must be like the creepy old sycophant on the world stage. Has there ever been a PM that has made us look so insincere as a nation? Labour spent years denigrating and insulting the new president now they are trying to climb up is jacksie.



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That is not a photo of a Labour person. They should have sent Dennis Skinner.
11:29 Tue 03rd Dec 2024

It's called 'diplomacy'.

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yeah, bit tough to pull off when you've been slating the bloke for 8 years though.

//Gawd we must be like the creepy old sycophant on the world stage.//

If the shoe fits.....

Perhaps the penny has dropped finally?

When no longer as super a power as one once was, it is important to ally with those that overlap your own views. So strengthening ties with the US is a sensible option. One only wishes that the EU and the US could or will reciprocate. Luckily we continue to have decent ties with most English speaking parts of the world. I'm unsure cosying up to some world powers is sensible though. China springs to mind. Russia too for that matter.

That is not a photo of a Labour person. They should have sent Dennis Skinner.

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Quite right, I did respect Gordon Brown when he did it in a standard whistle instead of putting on the Eaton mess!

starmer is accurately representing the Anglo-American "special relationship" as it has been for decades. we are a servant and they are the master. in that sense he's no more undignified than any other PM since the 1950s.

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11:35 except that Tool and the gang have been s1agging off Trump for at least 8 years.

Was he claiming to be the heir to Labour's hero Attlee? 

That would figure: person of whom Churchill said was a modest man - who had a lot to be modest about 😄

So, you see it as a Bertie Wooster & Reginald Jeeves type of arrangement then untitled ?

Having viewed the photo with the guy in fancy dress and the highland dancer he's a lot shorter than I previously thought.

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