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Gregg Wallace

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smurfchops | 22:16 Mon 02nd Dec 2024 | Film, Media & TV
32 Answers

Still on telly tonight!  Good old BBC. Don't seem to give a fig.



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I don't understand that comment Jackthehat. Why wouldn't a grown woman be able to talk back to a man like that in whatever language she deemed fit in order to put him in his place?

Barry1010 - I am glad to hear that.

However, I didn't say that "men are dismissive", I said that the dismissive ones appear, in the main, to be men.

So you did 😊

Foxlee2 - Because of surprise, shock, disbelief...... because they are a 'small' person and afraid of what might happen if they challenge the 'big' person.....because they are concerned that they might be characterised as humourless, chippy, a ball-buster, because they worry that they might be uninvited in future for having the temerity to not play along.

Whatever their reluctance to challenge him the fault lies entirely with GW.

He's always been the worst part of the show imo.

"I find your sauce a bit too strong".  Indeed.

I'd like to see Wallace say something like that to the trouble,  She has a big repertoire for use in situations like that.  Seen her in action especially after a few bevvies.

I get it shouldnt happen in a perfect world but we are not. And where exactly is the line, whilst he appears to have stepped well over we have seen others where it is debatable.  Indeed some of the accusations here are debatable.  

I'd like to see some real facts rather than listen to one side and Social Media (and the Tabloids).

On the bright side it opens the door for Paddy McGuinness to grow his empire without answering the question 'how does he pass the interview?'.

Programme makers are a mystery wrapped in an enigma.

See also Fiona Bruce on Antiques Roadshow and Question Time.

And I've worked in places where the women were the majority and believe me it was a lot worse than he is being accused of.


MasterChef is past its sell by date anyway IMHO.  Only so many wys to cut a carrot.


They took off Bargain Hunt programmes which contained Charles Hanson fairly quickly.

////where the women were the majority and believe me it was a lot worse than he is being accused of./////


... but 2 wrongs don't make a right 😊

However two Rons make The Management.

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