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Deal Or No Deal

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grumpy01 | 17:57 Tue 03rd Dec 2024 | Film, Media & TV
6 Answers

Never been so pleased to see someone miss out on a big payout.The woman played her luck and last two boxes were £5,000 and £100,000. The banker offered £59,750 and she said no deal.Greed got in the way of common sense.



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Perfectly reasonable to have tried her luck. She wouldn't likely get the same opportunity again. Unsure why it pleases you; are you "the banker" ?

hm - I think I woulda dealt. Maybe she is already rich enough.

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I understand people play their luck but surely OG,anyone offered around 60k,given a 50/50 chance would deal.As they say it's only real money when it's in your hand.

It is. And if it's £5k that was the risk.

I'm surprised the offer was that decent. It's not like the banker to do that. Rejection wasn't the logical choice there, but it was the more exciting one.

The banker is just someone in the studio on a computer that calculates the odds at every stage based on the money  amounts left on the board. The offer made is based on this calculation. All the rest is just waffle. Could be over in half the time.

I have to say I would have taken the bankers offer as its guaranteed cash. 

I was willing her to take the deal as I had a feeling it was 5k in her box. 

Greed took over, so she lost over 50k.

Not sure I would sleep very well that night. 

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