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Syrian Assylum Seekers.

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10ClarionSt | 08:02 Mon 09th Dec 2024 | News
7 Answers

If there's any of the above in this country, will they now be returned to Syria?



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short answer - no

Inevitably there will be some from the old regime here. Those actually granted asylum will make their own decision, those not yet granted and hiding will remain difficult to find so also will make their own choices.


Now we can expect new asylum seekers from the new Syrian regime to leave Syria, many of whom will opt not to seek asylum in the first safe country but instead change their status to economic migrant (but still falsely claiming to be an asylum seeker) and continue to travel to wherever they want to be. A proportion of those will try to get here and until there is a new party in power actually willing to deal with the problem there is little chance of them being returned anywhere.

A nice idea, but no. Why give up a council house & benfits, for an uncertain, jihadist regime?

There are nearly 1 million Syrians in Germany, thanks to the crazy policy of Frau Merkel.   I don't reckon they'll be hurrying back any time soon.

Will they heck.

Better to carry on Jihad in the evil country of the Infidels the UK.

Better benefits.

up to a million are queuing at the Turkish Syrian border - presumably to go back to untouched unlooted houses they once owned

Being a DP  / refugee is not an awful lorra fun

Better to carry on Jihad in the evil country of the Infidels the UK. Better benefits.

nope people really do go back home in order to construct a better life there

(I met an American Viet who did that  -  in SaiGon ! Jesus that was hope for you !)

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