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That's Another 4 W F As Wasted.....

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ToraToraTora | 19:55 Tue 10th Dec 2024 | News
10 Answers

no unnecessary expenditure? Right oh!



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\\he Department for Culture Media and Sport bought the folders from luxury leather goods manufacturer Barrow Hepburn & Gale, at a cost of £594 each.//

\\Rachel Reeves - who also uses a Barrow Hepburn & Gale red box and folders - has ordered government departments to show how they can make annual savings of 5%.//

Thats Rachel from accounts...

What a bunch of wallys.

Maybe Sir Humphrey convinced them it was necessary.

Could also be another six one member household. Not everyone got £300.

um is this a 4 W F snafu - foo! foo!

I think it probably is

I accept that the folders have to be of good quality.

But they are really taking the yellowy liquid with this.  


Probably not much of a problem now, it's only two OAP's fuel allowance so they can buy millions of um.

It's about time they splashed out on a speech therapist,not one of the front bench can speak properly.

//But sources suggest the extra expense is justified to enhance the image of the government.//

Polishing a 💩

This does appear to be Civil servants rather than the Government.

The civil service is totally out of control at the moment.

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That's Another 4 W F As Wasted.....

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