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In Panicking Now, What Will Happen?

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abbeylee90 | 18:32 Wed 11th Dec 2024 | Food & Drink
29 Answers

I ate a chicken Kiev thinking it was meant to go in for 25 mins but think I put in for 20 after I'd eaten some of it I found pink on it. Will I have food poisoning now?



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We're you home alone? Don't you eat with mum and dad or cook their meals sometimes?

I don't buy ready made meals. I always buy chicken pieces or cut a leg or breast into bits. That way it's more likely to get cooked through properly.

I fear Abbey may have succumbed to her chicken Kiev 

Are you feeling better Abbey? 

A little bit of pink reconstitued chicken is not going to kill you.

I doubt it would even give you stomach cramps.

We all eat a lot of chicken and wet fish in this family; I can't remember any of us ever being bad from eating it.

Sorry, but isn't it Chicken Kyev now?

(Presumably an already-cooked one in a box? You're just heating it up, not cooking from raw).

No, because we speak English not Ukrainian. Only ultra woke supermarkets change the name.


Oh and yes, I'd imagine it did taste fowl.

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No they're are away and I'm fine.

This is from Quora...

// The light pink color in your chicken, even after cooking, can be due to several factors. One common reason is the presence of myoglobin, a protein in the muscle tissue that stores oxygen. This protein can give the meat a pinkish hue, especially in younger chickens, even after thorough cooking.1 Mar 2021 //

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In Panicking Now, What Will Happen?

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