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Pete65 | 18:29 Mon 16th Dec 2024 | Society & Culture
5 Answers

What does "woke" mean?

And "deep state"?



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Pete unless you are a bot, it is better to google it

Using it's original meaning, 'woke' is a positive characteristic.  i.e. "aware of and actively attentive to important societal facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice)".

However, in a somewhat similar way to describing someone as a 'do-gooder' (which, on the surface, ought to be a positive thing but which is generally used pejoratively), saying that someone is 'woke' (or that they've 'got a woke agenda') is often used as a criticism by those who don't subscribe to liberal values.


'Deep state' is a favourite term of conspiracy theorists!

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Great stuff, gentlemen!

Thank you, kindly!

woke to me is similar to what we'd mean decades ago by saying someone was 'right on'

Positive my foot. From my experience it was never just about awareness, but about finding issues where there were none, and deliberately trying to make normal folk feel bad about having a more sensible attitude.


My understanding of deep state is that it's about who really has control of what goes on. For example, in the UK, think high ranking civil service personnel and influential wealthy folk ensuring the elected government is guided into what they should do.

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