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Am I Right To Be Offended?

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abbeylee90 | 19:23 Mon 02nd Dec 2024 | Family & Relationships
154 Answers

My friend who's hen party I went to a few weeks ago. They told me it was an enclosed wedding but she invited other friends obviously one was maid of honour and invited the other one who came to hen night a few others I know from where I use to work unless her husband invited them but I feel quite hurt that I wasn't invited or even tp the party.



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Abbey, I didn't mention you 'complaining of your problems' - and I'm glad you've spared your friends that! No, I meant you've told us - at great length and many times - that you don't know what sort of friend Friend A is now as she doesn't seem to bother with you. You've mentioned another friend who wanted you to join in with her plan to get a guy to pay for your taxi. There's the friend you might have upset at the recent pub trip/rugby match. Your other tales of your friends doesn't make me feel that you're a great, tight-knit gang of pals.....

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My friend in the taxi and rugby one are fine just the ones on here who didn't invite me to her wedding.

This is all very unclear. How many 'friends' are you talking about?   Surely only one didnt invite you to her wedding.

Abbey, I'm  glad you still have some friends that you consider good ones. I think you'll need to stop going on and on (and on) when any of the bad/disappointing ones do things that annoy you - you never seem to let things go!

NMA,  see Abbey's post around 19.20 tonight. It's another non-problem really!

Well you clearly are offended. Just try and let it go.

Thanks NAC. I guess she means friends who were invited to the wedding of the girl who didn't invite Abbey

Let. It. Go.


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Yes just the ones I went with on her hen and didn't invite me to her wedding.

Perhaps after a few drinks you said something that upset them, maybe about the hen, which led to you not being invited to the wedding and them closing you out?

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I was sober that night and I went out with one of them as the bride and one of the others got the train.

Abbey, stop letting this fester - it's in the past and, as has been said previously, forget it and move on.  Maybe start a new thread and tell us about Christmas in your home?

Abbey, it was absolutely pointless to start this subject up again tonight with  'None of them have spoken to me any chance they might have found out?'  You will have to let things go, you'll have to stop brooding over things and trying to turn them into 'issues'. They are minor things and most people are too busy living life to bother about them!

I don't understand that post Abbey if it's in response to mine. Have you asked them whether there's any issues between you?

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I said merry Christmas to the group and 2 said it back 

Abey, and...? I'm not sure if we are we meant to be pleased or disappointed for you! 

PS Is this the group of four, or is this one bigger?

I must say your friends sound a bit like you - thin-skinned and only too eager to make a moutain out of a molehill. Life's too short for such manouvering. Chill out, think positive, and enjoy life.

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4 of us just two replied 

Did you have a nice Christmas, abbey?

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Yes thanks you? 

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