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Why Does The Government …

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naomi24 | 09:22 Wed 01st Jan 2025 | News
27 Answers

want to track small boats coming across the English Channel when we know they're not going to tow them back to France?  They are spending £15 million on spy satellites for the purpose.  A bloke standing on the white cliffs of Dover with a pair of binoculars could do the job just as well.  Is it a complete waste of money or is there a useful purpose to it that we are unaware of?



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"13:50 judge would my 10:57 suggestion not work? "

It might if the French agreed to it and properly implemented it. But they won't. They have been paid millions of pounds to address a problem that is of their own making by allowing these people to enter France (over which tthey have no choice because they signed up to the ludicrous Schengen scheme).

But we have seen footage of them standing by whilst the migrants put to sea in dangerously overcrowded unsuitable craft.

They cannot prevent all the world's waifs and strays entering their country and have absolutely no intention of preventing them from leaving. The only answer is for us to prevent them entering the UK. We can do that and must if this country is to maintain what little integrity it has left to protect.

"It might if the French agreed to it and properly implemented it. But they won't. " - but surely they'd see that they'll also be solving their own problem too. Is it more important for them to annoy us than it is to fix their own issue?

"They cannot prevent all the world's waifs and strays entering their country" - but they would not have to. Once it got round that you cannot get to England via France they'd go somewhere else. This is so obvious to me yet not the the French it seems.

Whilst UK might be their preferred destination the migrants who have reached France are unlikely to choose to return to Iraq or wherever though rather than stay in France. 

it's so they know how many hotel rooms to book,can't have our "guests" going cold on the streets

If the gov bit the bullet & effectively blocked channel crossings the attempts to cross would all stop within a couple of weeks - a month at most.

The way to "smash the gangs" is to ensure their migration tickets can't succeed.

johnk mentioned the French system - if you don't pay in=you don't get anything.

Time we adopted it (with  appropriate exemptions for home-grown needy).

Seriously, a month after I arrived inFrance I had a phone call from the Taxman making an interview date ---- I was still trying to work out where to buy things!

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