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Animal Quiz

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postman44 | 19:24 Wed 01st Jan 2025 | Quizzes & Puzzles
9 Answers

68.he takes along a pot to feed it.




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'panda' has been suggested

(hidden)  potto has been suggested


Have you not read smouse's response on your previous post?

Obviously fallen on deaf ears.

have you not read our previous posts? 

This is a question and answer site.

and just in case those ears in your avatar aren't big enough, 


Don't think there is any need to be so rude when FP was merely pointing something out.

Corbyloon, the reason I suggested pointing out that it was a 'No asking' quiz when posting a question, would give any helpers the opportunity to offer or decline help depending on their personal views of the quiz setter's request.

Winner, unless I am a mind reader perhaps you could tell me how I could have possibly read your post at 20.23 on the other posting and 21.00 on this one, sarcastically asking whether I had read your previous posts when you were referring to my comment which was at 19.37.  May I also point out that 'Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit'.

I won't come down to your level of rudeness and therefore this is my last word on the subject.


I always find it odd that askers rarely mention the name of the quiz when it is a "no asking" one.

It is almost like they hope no-one will notice.



Exactly and usually they try to make the topic sound different!

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