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mickey mouse

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Iknownothing | 21:47 Wed 19th Jan 2005 | Phrases & Sayings
4 Answers

Mickey Mouse in his house, pulling down his trousers, quick mum smack his bum......

Anyone know the ending?



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Personally, I have never heard this version of the 'eeny-meeny' sort of formula for selecting/deselecting people. However, here's one version I found on a web-page...

"Mickey mouse in his house pulling down his jamas, quick mum smack his bum out goes number one."

I won't provide a link because the page has several filthy versions of the formula and I wouldn't want you to be offended!

I was told it was "thats the end of part one"
Mickey mouse was in his house pulling down his trousers
Quick mum, smack his bum... thats the end of part one

That's the end of part 1.


Donald Duck, did some muck, on the kitchen floor. Mother duck cleaned it up, then he did one more.

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mickey mouse

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