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Not Expecting Any Sympathy

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nailedit | 19:58 Wed 08th Jan 2025 | Body & Soul
48 Answers

After my last post,

(And because im an alcoholic, some people like to take a free kick....carry on!!)


But I'm not well, and everything gets put down to drink.


Ive had pain in my right side for weeks (Apparentlty nothing wrong)

Ive got blood blisters all over my body inclooding under my nails.

My veins are popping out of my legs, looks like im wearinfg a pair of cords!!!

Ive got a blockage in my throat. Im constantly trying to swallow.



A&E just send me home saying its down to my alcohol use.



Got an appointment with local alcohol/drug serveces onn the 20th of this month.



Ive had friends in the past that have ended up dying because Medics have put everything down to theire addiction and not looking behind that.





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I'm sorry that it feels like you are crying in the wilderness. Because you are. Patience, tolerance, and understanding are in short supply these days. You are on your own nails. A complete detox might help, but withdrawal could be counterproductive.Your body is weakened because of your response to your addiction. Both mentally and physically you've...
20:47 Wed 08th Jan 2025

I've been trying to see a doctor for more than a few years now Nailedit.

Non available 😪

And you're complaining they say you're pisspott?



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I'll ignore the insult ozz but will have to ask how

yyou have waited YEARS to see a doctor?

Think yourself lucky that some are willing to put up with you.

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And im not complaing that they say that im  just a drunk.

Im complaining that they wont take my health issues seriusly because im a drunk...

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 //Think yourself lucky that some are willing to put up with you.//


Not many do nowadays mate.

I'll leave this thread now. Can see where its going.

Thanks for replies...

Yes, where I live doctors closed their books within a 2 hundred kilometre range.

Haven't seen a doctor for at least 8 years.

Self medication seems to be my only option 😇

nailedit //Perhaps it's time to give up the booze//

Thanks khandro, never even thought of that. Tit!//

I've personally known alcoholics, of whom you cannot be worse than, give up and never touch a drop again.


Dear Nailedit

I haven't posted for ages but wanted to respond to you.

I am so sorry to hear of your troubles and sincerely hope you can get some help soon.

I know that you have beaten the booze in the past so you know it is possible.  But I also think that you need  expert help to set yourself on the right road again.  So, try to hang on until your appointment with the alcohol service.

I truly wish you well.

Ladyalex :))



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