sunflower68's recipe sounds a lot like what we would call French Toast... here in the western U.S., Indian (Native American for the PC crowd) fry bread is common at all Pow Wows. It is simply frozen bread dough fried in any kind of oil. We haven't used olive oil since it smokes at a lower temperature and the best results are to use a heavy, preferrably cast iron skillet, with hot oil. The frozen dough is thawed and pieces about the 2 inches in diameter are pulled off and flattened by pulling gently like you would pizza dough. this is then placed in the hot oil. In just a few seconds turn it with a wooden spoon (at least among the Tsi Tsi Tas I know) and brown the other side. Don't leave it too long since it will blacken quickly. Served as part of a full meal as tacos but just as good with some real butter and preserves...