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Long Life

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aka pixi | 10:51 Fri 27th Oct 2006 | Body & Soul
17 Answers
If you had the chance to extend your life by say 200 years (without getting frail and falling to pieces old) would you do it or not and why?

Oh and only you can do this, your family friends etc cant.


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no i wouldnt do it, whats life without friends and morning hunxxx
Being that there would be no family and friends around I would have to say no. There would be no point in living that long if I would be spending the days lonely. Family and friends are everything so I would rather die happy knowing that I've had a good life with them rather than being alone for another 200 years!!
Id say no. At some point i will have to say goodbye to my family and id rather do that than see generations of my family come and go. To bury your own children must be horrendous for a parent, so to see generations die whilst you live would be awful
I agree 100% with loobie, without people we care about there would be no point in living that long.
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hi loobie, red and ray, yep i totally agree with you all. I was having this discussion with a mate and wondered what other peoples views where. Although I would love to be around to see all the advances science, medicine, technology etc would make I would hate to outlive everyone I love.
yes, but you would have other people to love - grandchildren, great grandchildren, great great grandchildren etc

having said that i cant imagine living without my partner, so, i'd say no the others have said I would have to watch my children die & I couldn't go through that intentionally!.

When my number is called I will go..
It would be horrible to have to live through family dying and your own kids but on the plus side you get to see your grear great great great great grandchildren :-) but at what point would you stop ageing, if I got to 80 then had to spend the next 200years like that, I�ll pass thanks.
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hmmm not sure about the aging 4getmenot but in our convo me and my mate decided you would stay just as you are for the next 200 years lol
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hi sam, hows you? erm for some reason i never noticed your post, dunno why when its right at the top :S
I have to disagree with all of you. I was thinking the other day, when looking at my grand-daughter that it is a pity that I would never see her grand-children (maybe never even see her children, although I hope to - when she is in her twenties I will be in early - mid sixties). I would like to get to know future generations, although it would be very hard watching my children and family die. On the plus side, though, I am involved locally in animal rescue, and I was thinking the other day after a gruelling week that another few years and I won't have the stamina to do this any more. If I could live for 200 years, and still have health and strength I would gladly do so to continue with my animal rescue.
OK I know there are people on this site who will scoff at this and make sarcastic comments (you know who you are!!) but the question asked how we felt about living for another 200 years, and that is how I feel about it.
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hi saneen, I too would love to see my great grandkids and stuff but I would also have to see them all die and thats an awful thought. Its lovely that you would continue with the animal rescue too :D aww if anyone scoffs ignore them, they arent worth worrying about.
Damn right I would!!!

I'm pretty good at making friends and I'm not all that close to my family so why the hell not?

Plus I want to be one of those old ladies who throws caution to the wind and can be relied upon to say things like, "I'm 102 years old you know" to everybody I meet, and dance around in me granny knickers at Christmas parties, and grope young men's bums whilst saying, "Oooooh, YOUNG MAAAN!!!". I might even have an affair with Mavis' husband at the old people's home....
Oh, I have to stay my current age???

Okay, all of the above but now then. Hahahaha!
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lol champers, how you doing btw?
I'm good thank you. How are you doing? I just sent you a funny link on e-mail actually. :o)
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aww i have been feeling crappy for weeks now but its the weekend so ive planned a big rest and chill out :D

cheers for the email, im howling lol

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