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gotchaeme | 10:28 Thu 02nd Nov 2006 | Arts & Literature
7 Answers
this is my first time knitting and i have done one line of cast on and now i need to know how to knit to get started does anyone know ?


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If I remember rightly it is one row plain then one row pearl.

Plain is - in through the bunny hole, round the big tree out of the bunny hole and off goes she.

So put the needle in through your first stitch from back through to front, bring wool round protruding needle, bring needle back bringing wool with it then cast off stitch, new stitch should be on right hand needle . hope that helps.

Have no idea how to describe pearl, sorry
warpig. that made me laugh its purl not pearl he he he
Just shows you how useless my knitting is then!!!

this site might help. it has a video to show you what to do
You have to purchase the video and it's an American site and they knit differently to us and have different knitting terms..Have a look on Ebay and purchase a Patons Woolcraft book.This gives you all the basic techniques.It's been in publication since the year dot and the format has never changed.
Failing that there are some good pictures here echnique_54.html

Or come round to me and I'll teach you !
PS ....learn the knit stitch first then the purl .Do sample squares.All rows knit and then all rows purl.This will help you to get the rhythm and the tension correct.
One row knit and one row purl is called stocking stitch All knit rows is called garter stitch.These are the two basic knitting stitches .From these two stitches you can create all sorts of patterns .
I hope you enjoy learning to knit ..I did as a child and it has been a lifelong hobby for me.
if you click on the left under videos there are a few free to watch vids of knitting. :-)

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