I have a close relative with the same condition. They have read vast tracts, scientific reports and books to try to get some sence on the subject. If a person is diagnosed with diabetes and controls it with diet then the usual high carb diet is just the wrong thing. If you think about it, the problem is the body being unable to convert the sugar, the last thing you need is more sugar. What do carbs (bread, potato, cakes, cereal, rice) turn into?-you guessed it SUGAR. By cutting OUT those things and eating more protein (eggs, meat with fat on, cream, cheese etc) the body quickly turns to using this as fuel instead. It also has the added benifit of causing a slow weight loss which is often required by the diabetic. Fruit and veg must be kept to a minimum due to the sugar content (natural) THere are NO good carbs & no special foods needed. Using this method my relative has kept a NORMAL blood/sugar level (apx 4.5) for more than 6 months without fluctuation.
A typical day would be Breakfast-Bacon, egg, mushroom
Break- full cream natural yogurt (TOtal)Lunch- Cheese and meat ,Break -apple,Dinner- meat and salad or sm veg but not root veg./ or Fish/ or Liver, kidney, heart.+ no sugar jeely and cream or 'real' ice cream. Not bad huh?
And it works. I have seen it for myself.