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Lionheart | 16:55 Wed 08th Nov 2006 | Technology
4 Answers
I type a paragraph. I put a border round it to create a box. I then want to continue typing under the box but I can't move the cursor from inside the box.

Why? Can anyone tell me how to do it, please?

Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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When I inserted a text box I could type in that. You might be better putting paragraph in a text box to start with.

(I tried what you did and got the same response - I couldn't get out until I used the text box option! How odd!)
When you have finished typing press enter several times to move the cursor down the page Highlight the text you want to put a border round Go to FORMAT Borders and shading etc Then when you return to the page the cursor should be below the text
Thanks Yvonne - now I know how to do it.
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Thank you YvonneM and Machecoul. Now I too know how to do it. Brilliant!
Sorry I didn't reply earlier, YvonneM, but I was out last night.

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