The notion of society 'helping itself' was a cornerstone of Thatcher's beilefs. Which is fine if you are a moderately intelligent woman who happens to be married to a millionaire businessman and you understand about as much about social housing as you do about the back end of the moon.
We should be used to our politicians living their lives utterly removed from the lives of those they represent - free First Class rail fare from their constituancy to Westminster and back removes them from our orbit on Day One - but this was folly of gross and far-reaching proportions, which, as advised, has still to reap its full terrible consequences.
Mrs T. thought everyone wanted to own their own business and 'reap rewards'. She never has, and never will realise that a lot of people are frightened by that leve of responsibility - and they are entitled to be housed adequately by the State provided they are contributing to it - something that would make Mrs. T. spit on the pavement if it was suggested to her.
She is gone, but her 'legacies' live on.