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Blood sugar

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pennyb04 | 12:41 Mon 13th Nov 2006 | Health & Fitness
2 Answers
With diabetes, what is considered to be a normal blood sugar reading? I tested myself of my mums and she says at 4.7 I may be low - does anyone know?

Thanks in advance to any replies


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The blood sugar level is the amount of glucose (sugar) in the blood. It is also known as serum glucose level. It is expressed as millimoles per litre (mmol/l).

Normally, blood glucose levels stay within narrow limits throughout the day: 4 to 8mmol/l. But they are higher after meals and usually lowest in the morning.

The ideal values are:

* 4 to 7mmol/l before meals.

* less than 10mmol/l 90 minutes after a meal

* around 8mmol/l at bedtime.
Agree with lazygun - tighter control is best - so 4-8 is good, 4.7 isnt too low its what it should be

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