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nick3188 | 13:08 Thu 05th Aug 2004 | Technology
4 Answers
I accidently click remember my password when signing into msn messenger once and now whenever i open the program it always gives the option of automatically igning into my account without entering my password. Anyway to stop this?


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If you are signed in, then go to FILE/ SIGN OUT Then go into FILE/SIGN IN.... and uncheck the box that says REMEMBER MY PASSWORD Also in OPTIONS you can turn off the "LOG ON WHEN I AM CONNECTED" check box. My wording might not be quite right, since I don't have messenger on this machine
but if u know your password,why do u care !?
Matt.. So that nobody ELSE using the machine can sign in automatically without havingt enter the Password. I had exactly the same problem with Hotmail more than once.. :O)
click on help option to learn how to cancel automatically sign in feature ..

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