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Women/Girls and drink

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Lonnie | 19:45 Mon 27th Nov 2006 | Body & Soul
27 Answers
I see so many posts on here, mainly from Women/Girls, who say they are going out to get drunk, or they've been out and got drunk.

I'm sorry, but WHY?, I think that if you need to get drunk to enjoy yourself, there's something seriously wrong.


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Okay, I give up, possibly I could have worded it differently, but I still don't think it deserved the flak it got, never mind, its done, and for the umpteenth time, I apologise.
I don't think it did either Lonnie. It seems to me that you have read quite a few posts on B&S, mainly by the girls, that mentions getting p*ssed or mentions various alcoholic drinks. I took this question as I read it......Simply someone asking why.

You do not derserve, in my humble opinion, the reaction you have received.
Lonnie, Take heart. I've posted many a question or even a reply only to be knocked back or ridiculed. Take no notice ,your post showed genuine concern for young women who get plastered. Like I said, I was the same years ago and we even used to thumb lifts! So there for the grace of God go we. I recall one time when I was ratted, I saw one of those big linen basket's in a club,thought it was my bed,climbed in and fell asleep! Someone found me and got me out. Its when we have our own kids,especially girls that we worry. Daisy.
babydust, Was there any need for your vitriolic attack on Lonnie? He's one of the most caring people on AB. He never insults anyone and never fails to help other's. As for you suggesting he's a boring old fart. Lonnie is a doting dad with a handicapped child and he's damn well proud of her. Only other's here will understand that bringing up a Special Need's child does'nt give one time to be boring old farts. I think an apology to Lonnie would'nt go amiss babydust.
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ummmm and daisy48, thanks very much for your support, its very much appreciated.
You're welcome Lonnie:-))) x
Your more than welcome Lonnie

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