Following on from Laurences post about santa, i was wondering what things your parents had you believe in as a child? I remember being told by a family friend that he had a button inside his car that turned all the little lights on in the middle of the road. It was years before i realised it was the headlights and the reflection on the cat's eyes.
My son already calls my fax a magic machine as Ive told him it writes things by magic. And big chimneys in industrial areas make the clouds, and lifts are magic boxes that you go into and when you come evrything has changed.
Am I messing with his head or giving him a fun childhood?
I used to think whenit was thundering that the angels were moving their furniture.
I also believed in the evil evil tatman, he put tats in my hair when I was asleep, he does it still but also styles it so I look really stupid on waking.
Talking of angels, i remember the glass in our back door had funny bobbly bits in which distorted the light from a streetlight up the road. I remember thinking they were angels when i was about 5 or 6 and used to stand in the utility room in the dark to look at them.