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one dog or two?

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darlene.cald | 15:01 Thu 14th Dec 2006 | Animals & Nature
5 Answers
I have one dog, a chihuahua, and i want to get another one, but i am concerned. do you think that dogs are happier when there is more than one of them? i know they are pack animals, and me and my husband work at least 9 hours a day. also, do you think they would be happier together or would the first dog be jealous of the new dog?


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Depends entirely on the individual dog I'm afraid. Some dogs just don't like other dogs, others much prefer to have another dog around.

To be honest if you work as much as you say you do I would say you shouldn't really have a dog in the first place as they do need company. So, in this case, getting another one may be a good idea but like I said you may find your exitsing dog just doesn't take to another one. If you do decide to get another one just don't expect them to instantly get on - you will need to spend time with each of them individually and together and you should take time off work to do this.
We had one shih-tzu and we got another one when she was just under 1year old. They are the best of pals. Not sure about chihuahua's. I think it depends on the dogs but I personally would think it better than being on its own all day.
I had one dog for 3 years. When my boyfriend moved in, he brought his dog with him, and we panicked and schemed about how to introduce them in the park, and not bring one into the other's territory etc. (mine being a protective German Shepherd). Anyway, turns out, they get on like a house on fire - such different personalities, but best of friends. And I feel much happier going to work knowing that they both have company - leaving one dog on their own all day is horrible, I used to feel so guilty if I got stuck in traffic or something on the way home. I'd say - Get another one! (and wait until after Christmas and go to the local pound to get an abandoned one to a good home).

Best of luck
If you get another dog then I suggest the opposite sex from your current dog as they tend to get on better. We had a male Cavalier King Charles and introduced a female Great Dane and they are crazy about each other. Make sure you introduce them outside of the home somewhere neutral before taking the new dog into the house.

Good luck!
With both out of the house all day, it would be better if you had a companion for you Chihuahua. Both dogs must be made aware that they are numbers 3 and 4 in the heirarchy of the household, further down than that if there are regular visitors (especially close relatives). They don't need to be of different sex, same breed or same size. Make sure they get equal favour from both you and your partner.

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one dog or two?

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