Myself and my boyfriend bith have i pods but we share a computer and dont want each others music on our i pods how do i set up our i tunes so we can have 2 different i pods on it
Doesn't really matter I don't think. Install iTunes as per normal and add music to the library how you please and when you want to add music to your iPod, just select the necessary music you want to put on by dragging and dropping. OK, you'll have both your lots of music on the one library, but that's no big deal, just creat some playlists to avoid playing each other's on the PC. Whosever of my mates' iPods get plugged into my PC, iTunes recognises it as a separate player. Easy life.
I have three iPods (a nano, a big 'un and a Shuffle) and each time I plug one in, iTunes recognises which one it is and treats it differently.
I just need to ask you something before I carry on - you say that you and your b/f share a PC, but you have different music collections.
Have you actually separated them on the PC - I mean, is your music in c:\<yourname>\My Documents\ My Music folder and his in c:\<hisname>\My Documents\My Music?
My advice is dependent on knowing how you've set up your music.