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Been watching a lot of westerns lately . Lot of whisky drinking ( yes I know it's coloured water or similar ) However not being a drinker - what does whisky actually taste like ?
I want to make juice out carrots, etc. can anyone recommend a good juicer. I see there are 2 kinds - slow and centrifugal. Slow seems to be better, but the prices vary wildly from around 40 to 250... ...
//While drinking tree sap does not immediately sound appealing, Canadian producers are hoping that it will be the next must-try soft drink around the world. We have all heard of maple syrup, which... ...
I've got 2 soaking in brine at the moment having gutted and skinned them when fresh. Any tried and tested recipes, please? Of course I can google recipes, but I wondered if ABers had a... ...
My favourite snack but I haven't eaten one in at least 20 years for various reasons. They are soft like cake, not crunchy, crispy or 'snappy' like a biscuit. They go hard when stale, like cake, not... ...
I have used the same recipe for some time for a rich fruit cake usually with success. However the last one I made did not rise properly, the fruit tended to sink and the crumb was rather... ...