smouse - do you mean 4 G of the B ? In which case, i have 4 Gospels of the Bible or 5 Rings on the Olympic Flag
I am also very stuck on the Hits - just realised that it is ANY spring hit, so I have no. 27 but that is all. Can anyone point me to the year(s) for me to search, please?
I can give you the answers if you want or do you want to struggle a bit first - lol. Didnt find them easy as it can be any year.
I did mean 4 and had put gospel but wasnt sure as I would have liked it to have been 4 gospels in the bible
I agree that 4 Gospels in the Bible sounds better, but with 'The' in front, viz The 4 Gospels of the Bible sounds OK and there should be a The 2 Ronnies
I have just got nos 26 and 29 a word other than "the" for each of nos 28 and 30 would be appreciated and the only other answer i need is no 18.
I'm doing the ironing and thinking alternately of this quiz and the dog's one! How about you?
Thanks for that. Actually, I had thought of 3 books about half-an-hour ago and it's more likely to be 3 sides or 3 angles in a triangle. so I think I'll go with the books, thank you for your help in confirming.