I recently had an answer removed (I didn't think it particulary offensive compared to some but there you go). Can anyone explain why on all other answers on other posts the 'report this answer' box is removed, is this just following on from this one answer or has someone gone in and reported them all?
Sorry, know it is not a suggestion but would really like to know.
We can only assume that where the �report� option is unavailable on a Q or an A, that the Q or A has already been reported and reviewed by the Ed and allowed to remain, or is in the process of being reviewed / removed by the Ed. Otherwise the Ed may be inundated with reports on a Q or A, when enough ABers have reported already for it to be reviewed.
Octavius, it makes perfect sense for that particular thread and my postings on it but I don't understand why innocent answers on other threads have had this box removed and that is what I find weird.
I'm not sure if I'm understanding the question right but I just noticed on the ED blog that if a thread leads to for example something offensive/sexually explicit or has swearing in it the whole thing will be removed regardless of the remaining content which I think is fair enough hopefully that encourage people not to ruin it for others. If I have mis understood and this is an irrelevant answer..sorry
I've just seen your last answer and the blog also says the Ed's decision is final and wont be discussed...again thats fair enough me thinks anyone disagree?
Thats fine but I am completely unaware of what I am supposed to have done. This is the first time I have ever had an answer banned and if you have seen any of my posts then you will know that I am not offensive in any way.
If this is the case then I would like to suggest that if the Ed wished to take this action then the ABer in question should be informed of what exactly they have done wrong, because I still have absolutely no idea.
Robinia, these aren't my question these are other Abers questions, totally innocuous ones at that, about food, pets, ingrowing hairs, you name, basically unrelated to the 'problem' answer.
Warpig, I may be wrong but if you have contributed to a thread and that thread is removed, then I think this will count towards your own �banned� answers. So whilst your post may not have been offensive, since the whole thread was banned/removed, then so was your answer.