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natalie7 | 18:48 Tue 30th Jan 2007 | Animals & Nature
10 Answers
not sure if tthis is in the right place but why do vets charge a lot of money for products and consultations?
i took my cat to the vets today and i wasn't in there long and the vet didn't say much, but they still charged me nearly �25 for a consultation.


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The typical price for a consultation is anything from �15 to �30, and if you go to a referral practice the cost will be higher.

What people don't seem to realise is that the veterinary profession doesn't have the equivalent of the NHS subsidising appointments and drugs. If you go to a private doctor, consulation prices are the same as that of your vet. Vet fees not only have to pay the wages of the vets, nurses, receptionists, practice managers, and any other staff, but also for things like water, electricity, drugs and chemicals, and maintenance of premises and equipment.

People should be aware of the cost of keeping a pet before they get one, and if they cannot, or don't want to, meet these costs then maybe they shouldn't have an animal.
totally agree about the cost. we have our dog on the flea program and 6 tablets cost over �20.dont know if you have insurance for your cat but if not i'd strongly recommend it.
I am fed up with my vet, each time I took my dog (who incidentally died before christmas) i never got to see the original vet who diagnosed the problem, and so each time I arrived at the surgery, a different vet was on duty - be it a student or a locum, and each one started from scratch to diagnose my dog's illness, albeit from me telling them the history, each visit i was sent away with a different prescription each time, none of which did any good, the total bill i must have spent was over 1,400 pounds, over a year, it is almost like i was being played with and that they never really cared about my pet in the long run, this makes me so so upset and angry! They are rip off merchants!
I have a vet who is a 'one man band' and although there are of course certain standing charges, he is always fair and willing to negotiate on prices. The only downside is that he has to rely on a 'group practice' night cover on occasions, but my opinion is that if you need a vet in an emergency, the nearest vet is the best.

The bigger the practices, the more they cost to run, but you do get the benefit of modern equipment and the facilities on hand without having to be referred to vet hospitals.
Jaberwocky problem with the insurance is most of them have an excess which is normally outside of the consultation fee. I do feel though that �25 is a bit of a con though Natalie, our vet charges usually between �15 and �19 depending on what he does I think, having spent just over �4000 on vets bills with shar-pei recently I think he feels sorry for me now!!
Over the years as a cat owner I have always used the same Vet Practice, and have seen the price of fee's rise, I should imagine with the rise of inflation. I also see the same vet as when I book an appointment I always ask for him as he came as afreshman and is now a partner.

I have always been treated as a friend over the last 25 years and we are on first name terms and I'm always happy with the care that has been given to my "babies" although they hate every visit and its a militery opperation to get them into the pet carrier for the visit and out again when we get there.

There is only a gripe I have is that the price of Frontline which I use on my cat's, but over the last couple of years I have been buying it off the net at a cost of �15-00 for 6 applications, the Vets charge �28+ with vat, quite a saving. XXX :-)
Yeah this sounds about right, i paid �20 just for my rabbit to be pretty much glanced at!!! then they gave her some meds and said bring her back so i can see how shes doing- that was another �20 i really didnt think id have been charged when they asked me back!!! maybe im not as clued up on vets or something i duno...2nd time i went back they didnt give me any information at all...
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I have two cats and it was costing a fortune for FRONTLINE flea stuff from the vet, I now buy the same stuff on ebay from France at half the price, its exactly the same.
Hi, we have two dogs and one is quite a sickly sort on regular meds. Our vet does not charge for follow up appointments. We have been going many years and both vets in the practice are on first name terms. If you see a different vet every time I would try somewhere else to entrust your babies. Insurance is good Marks and Spencers have a zero excess policy which is a bit dearer but worth it. The odd �25 bill for antibiotics for silly things like scratches or water infections you cannot normally claim due to them being just under the excess. I have claimed for lots of little bits and gained the extra premium back easily. I also agree the smaller practices are sometimes better and in an emergency the nearer the better who ever is on call. All our local vets know each other and you can continue with your normal vet after another has seen in an emergency (quite common with my epileptic dog).

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