I have a house with private drive, but before the drive, ie, infront of the drive, there is the council owned verge, with tarmac (one car length) before my drive. A neighbour a few doors down keeps parking on the tarnac immediately before my drivem, thereby blocking my entrance exit to my own drive. The council dont seem to want to do anythintg about it, and speaking to the culprit just leads to me being sworn at, is there anything i can do or anything legal i can use, i dont want to get too bad as dont want him to turn round and damage my car, but it is very inconvenient when i get blocked in or blocked out of my own drive thanks
Have you tried parking in the place that he uses? A neighbour of mine used to park over the end of my drive and I started parking there instead and it stopped
Hi There,
This person seems to be causing an Obstruction which of course is against the law, Ask him Politely to consider your position and try and sort this out amicably, If this does not work and he bad mouths you You must immediately call the Police and let them deal with the situation, I am sure that you will get it sorted. Good Luck.
i hate nuisance neighbours ive moved because of them in the past, by law your property cant be obstructed . do you have to ask them to move or can you physically get your vehicle out. WHY ARE SOME NEIGHBOURS A PAIN IN THE ARSE,.....
Yep, previously ive had to go to their house (3 doors away) and request that they move thier car, now i sit in my car with my horn on the go as i cant get in or out of my driveway - i know this may annoy the other neighbours, but i dont see i have any choice, hopefully they'l see me blocked in and not take it out on me.