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idalovett | 11:29 Fri 09th Feb 2007 | Site Suggestions
11 Answers
How does the Ed decide what subjects she considers are so important that they should be in pink and pinned for a day? Looking at the News section for example I would have thought Child torturers or MRSA far more important than the closure of maternity units. Looking throughout AB surely there should be a trigger to automatically highlight a post in pink that an AB MEMBER has posted which has resulted in over (say) 20 posts � the legitimate replies, not the chit chat.

Perhaps the Ed in her wisdom would consider that what she and her editorial staff deem important and therefore pink pinned, AB members may not. The members who post a subject and receive many replies surely should warrant their post highlighted?

I am seeing very similar questions on polls I receive (to which I am paid for) and whilst AB has to be paid running expenses � probably through submission of the carefully edited responses made to their pink questions � it would only be fair to highlight members questions that are obviously far more topical as they have received many replies.
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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That's why alot of the grumbles lately have been happening Ida, the pink posts are not from AB users, they are asked by the AB Ed & Co.
i smell a rat...

i think were being used..... simple !
Because the shortage of people signing up for the `paid for your views` gimmick...they now ask the questions on here and pretend they are normal questions.

Therefore saving themselves having to pay any of us for our Funkymoped says...Simple
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I am inclined to agree with you Boo, and funkymoped and Elvis. I have not signed up for the pay for my views because I have read a lot of comments here and I will not sign up until I see some ABers have received payent for their views. I still ask the question why the Ed and editorial staff are choosing the questions to be highlighted in pink and simply not looking at the quantity/quality of replies under any question under any topic, and considering that question to be of obvious interest to Abers and highlighting it in pink or pinning it on our behalf accordingly.
As an aside, I can get and am paid money to answer questions elsewhere that I see here highlighted. I will not contribute to pink questions for free when I presume AB staff are deriving income from a required "poll" result. When I see a happy balance between known members questions highlighted in pink as well as AB Ed's pink posts I will be happy to answer AB Ed because then I feel there is a fair balance.
I am sure Ed will clarify this question as it seems to be a bone of contention to many members here, especially those members who joined long before I did.
lol ida,/b>, I wouldn't hold your breath in waiting the Ed to clarify or indeed let ya know what's going on with these 'ere 'pinkies'

Incidently- which site/forum is it that you get paid for your views?
I don`t think I`d like my question highlighted in pink,

it so doesn`t suit me!
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Boo, I can't advertise it but will be happy to tell you if you like to point me in a direction where I can get one of your email addresses. As to you Elvis, I think you would look drop dead sexy shrouded in pink.
Hi Ida :)

I don't think the AB editor has realized yet - and may never realize - that AB needs us much more than we need AB - if we all left today, and stranger things has happened - she would no longer be needed !!!
Thank you ida - can't believe how many answers I rec'd on my 'Child Torturers' thread - it obviously touched a lot of very raw nerves - including me!

It never crossed my mind to have it shown in pink though & to be honest, I was fed up with seeing all those non-Ed threads in pink, but I do see what you mean. ;o}
*including mine!
Just to clarify again...The Pink posts and the polls attached are not sponsored topics. The issues raised are topics which the Editorial team consider to be of importance clearly so do many other ABer's based on the huge response they receive.

As for the 'pay for your views' option which a number of you signed up for, please see the Editors Blog dated 5th February 2007 for more information.

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