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bacon and onion pudding

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clairej55555 | 17:18 Sat 17th Mar 2007 | Food & Drink
3 Answers
does any one know the best recipe for the above - Cheers


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250grm SR flour
125grm shredded suet
A pinch of salt
200 grm lean bacon pieces
1 onion roughly chopped
A handful of chopped parsley

Mix flour, salt and suet with a little water to make a soft dough.

Turn onto a floured board and roll into an oblong about the size of an A4 sheet of paper.
Scatter on the bacon, onion and parsley, leaving a border of 2cm all round.

Roll into a sausage shape and seal the end with a little water.

Wrap in a clean floured teatowel or pudding cloth and tie end firmly. Or use foil making a foil loop round it so you can lift it out .

Boil gently for 2 hours ..make sure you keep the water topped up.
Ohh that takes me back. My Mum used to make that when I was a filling stick to your ribs food.....jummy/

shaneystar2 many tks I have just added that to my recipe file.

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bacon and onion pudding

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