Beryllium, do you really believe that? That sort of thing always makes me think of that old James Stewart film 'It's a Wonderful Life'. Did you ever see it?
Not yet. But I'm guessing I should. Good film??? what's it based on? true life or fiction? I know I could go on a search for it lol, but I may just buy it..... should I?
Beryllium - or may I call you Beryl now we're acquainted? Well, I hesitate to recommend films to anyone, and this is extremely old - must be 1940s I would guess. All about a good man who wishes he'd never been born - and then finds out what would have happened if he hadn't. It's really cheesey and very hollywood mush, but it's sweet and has a real feel good factor, so who cares?!!! I don't worry about what anyone else thinks - I like it.
I must apologise naomi for going off track back there with "mibn" and co.
It made me a little annoyed(which is almost impossible for me) to read certain people basically playing down the experiences some have had with pernickety twaddle about what words you should use when describing something.
I should of shouted, Whoa !
No need to apologise Luna - it wasn't you who went off track. It seems if some people haven't got a particularly intelligent argument, they ridicule what others say and squirm around to turn the debate into something they feel they can talk about.
Oh dear,naomi, you leave me non-plussed. It was your remarkable psychic fellow who introduced the subject of energy being left when we die. I was merely pointing out that it was no explanation at all for the extraordinary things he had said to you. After all, if we are to explain these things then an important part of the discovery process is to dismiss bad explanations as they come up. You say you hope that science will explain them one day, in which case you must allow the scientific process to grapple with them.
And how can I learn about your alleged cases of psychokinesis if you won't give me references that I can look up?
If you don't reply I'll take the hint and not bother you again.