Bin the frying pan, lose the map of how to get to the takeaway and take one Omega 3 capsule every morning.
Wait a couple of weeks and get another blood test.
Should see a difference.
Hi bunny29
I was diagnosed with an extremely high cholesterol 13 years ago. I get a lot of exercise, I am slim and have never needed to diet but unfortunaly nothing worked for me. I was high risk due to my family history so was put on different medications until they eventually got the right ones for me.
My cholesterol is now 4.7, in comparison to the original reading years ago which was over 11 !!!
My Consultane checks my readings at the hospital every four months now
Thanks, Cruella.
I have read a lot of studies that say the same as you - that very little other than medication can be done to lower high cholesterol. Very disheartening, isn't it?
Hi bunny29
It certainly is very disheartening but I feel it is a smallprice to pay.
Cholesterol builds up over the years in some cases and in mine it was mainly due to family history. Think the hospital had me on everything but noting worked until they tried three new drugs on me. My readings dropped within a couple of weeks. Meds can have a lot of side effects too, so you have to get the ones that suit you best.