Hi, a few questions down i askled about my aunt's first husband who was a Swedish airman, i have found a death in the 1st quar. of 1942 for a Keava Stemborg aged 24 registered at Ilford. I know where Ilford is, but I don't know if there is a reason an airman's death would be registered there, but even more of a question, is that i was looking for someone called Stenborg, and is keava a male or female name? i never knew her husbands first name and i don't know if this is a man or a woman. Before i send for the certificate, is there any clue here that this may be a swedish airman who maybe died of his injuries say?
The famous Hornchurch (Essex) aerodrome was waterlogged due to extreme weather conditions, during 28 January to 14 February 1942 (first quarter?). So squadrons 64, 81 and 411 were stationed at FAIRLOP, a satellite airfield, which is near ILFORD.
Being an operational airfield, it was bombed on a few occasions so.....