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jeramian | 16:36 Tue 27th Mar 2007 | Civil
10 Answers
Do I have to change my childs surname?


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Me and my childs father have never been married. He has been locked up for 3.5 years and my child is now 4. And he wants to change my childs last name to his. I don't feel he has earned that right. Is it a law that once he is legally deemed the father, that i have to give him his last name.
No, you don't have to give your child the fathers surname.
Question Author
Good, I was just making sure the system wasn't sexist.
As pippa says,you dont have to change your kids name.If the father hasn't got "Parental Responsibility" then he can't make you either."Parental Responsibility" is gained ,as far as I remember, through marriage or granted by a court.
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Under what circumstances will the court grant him parental responsibility? Once they establish parentage will they grant him that then? Because even then, he doesn't deserve it. He hasn't earned for my child to carry his last name. I have been doing everything by myself since he's been born. His father has done nothing. Yes he was incarcerated but he had money to buy drugs and pay for his other sons' cell phone bill and wouldn't send my son pamper money. He doesn't deserve jack.
The court will only grant parental resposibility if it is in the childs best interests. Although not paying maintenance doesn't earn brownie points, the court will only be interested in the chiilds welfare..not the parents views or wishes as it were.

The same goes for the name change. If your ex wants to take that to court the judge will only agree if it is in the childs best interests.
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So then I guess my question is, when is it in the childs best interest to change his last name? My last name is the only name he's known.
Then there will be your argument :o)
Question Author
Gotcha, thanks!! :)

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