Living in Australia in The AnswerBank: Travel
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Living in Australia

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robbo68 | 10:10 Wed 25th Apr 2007 | Travel
3 Answers
Has anyone lived in or emigrated to Australia and come back? We are seriously thinking about emigrating and would like to know if it's all it's made out to be.
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Parts of Australia are so short of water the farmers are giving up as they are not allowed to water their crops. Clean water is being rationed. Maybe due to global warming they predict there will be mass migration from Australia as the southern hemisphere will be so parched that drinking water will be unobtainable unless drastic measures are taken. Maybe the scientists have got it wrong and next year we will see a return to global cooling.
Three of my friends went out in December with a view to settle down and make a new life for themselves. They come back home this week due to them not being able to secure employment and despite having professions.

They left well paid jobs here, sold property and cars and now they have got to start all over again!

However, my father lived there for 9 years and loved it and said that the Aussies are the warmest people you will ever meet.

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