Happily I have completed all the cryptic clues but am left with the unclued lights Is anyone able to help me with: 6d 7a 22a 23d
Also I have for some of the unclued lights hazarded these guesses: 1a sponge 33d chintz 34a shrike unfortunately, I've no idea if these are right! any help would be much appreciated E
sponge & chintz are correct; shrike isn't but I can't think what it should be.
From the title - Z to A - A to Z - in all words the lettersa re either in alphabetical or reverse alphabetical order. I think you'll find it will drop easily into place.
Tks yr help on these, Kettledrum, which I also was not sure of - but I'm still struggling with 32A device for holding clip clip around new site for which I have D?NS?OCK. Gtfl for advice.
Although I've given you all the answers Endanger I'm sure you could have managed it yourself once you'd been told that the letters were in a-z or z-a order, and you'd checked off the letters given to you in the rubric - BIN IT & GET NOZZLE. As far as I remember there were (almost) no real alternatives.