all I meant is that people are now so frightened of being attacked by the PC brigade they are scared to have their own opinions.
If I said, 'I don't like black people because of the colour of their skin', thats racism. If I don't give them a job, its discrimination. If I do not find black women attractive, it might make me a little shallow but it certainly won't make me racist. Are people's sexual preferences to be dictated to them by society? Go back 20 years and you have no mixed race relationships and no gay relationships through societal pressure. Does this make it right? No.
I don't like camp homosexuals. This is my personal preference and CANNOT be wrong. Do you see? Your personal preferences CANNOT be wrong if you do not let it prejudice your actions. You don't HAVE to like everyone, you don't have to fancy everyone, and what defines who you don't like is completely up to you. You can always be nice, but you don't have to like or fancy people. See?