could anyone give me the name of a no win no fee solicitor i wish to make a claim against a bank official from a well known high st bank who has given personal information about myself which would be protected under the data protection act, she has also in breach of her contract.
There are hundreds of solicitors in towns all over the UK who offer no-win no fee services. You will need to find one local to you.
They will want to assure themselves that you have a substantial case - if your 'breach of data protection' is minor it will warrant no more than a letter of apology from the bank and maybe a case of wine/bunch of flowers depending on gender.
im not sure you'l get a n win no fee solicitor for that, it being a criminal rather than civil matter .... you would hardly expect them to pay compensation to you unless you had accrued a financial loss due to this leak of information, and even then it wuld be limited to whatever you had lost financially and your costs in the case .... so its not like you'd have extra money. What difficulties did this action cause you?
I think the previous 2 answers are right. Without knowing exactly what information was given out it's difficult to say, but an apology is the usual remedy unless youve lost out financially.
Thanks for your replies. Its not so much that i want compensation. But she has submitted infomation on a sworn declaration which is going to be used in court with the ajudicator at the land registry. She as also given false information and is stating the facts as if she is still an employee of the bank when she actually was pensioned off more than 10 years ago with a supposedly bad back.