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psychology degree?

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pwak | 20:20 Wed 30th May 2007 | Jobs & Education
3 Answers
having put myself through the degree course I find myself struggling to aquire a relevant assistant psychologist post can anyone suggest a profession that regards this degree as appropriate


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Hi, I have a psychology degree and live in Scotland where the research posts are few and far between, so I know what you're going through. This profession is very hard to break into but keep applying to these positions in the meantime-assistant roles/research roles and the like and you might eventually get an interview.

I have to say I have found it extremely difficult finding appropriate work with my degree, so much so that I am retraining later this year to become a librarian ( a bit odd eh, but it's a profession I want to get into). Tell me what your aspirations are in life-for example, do you definitely want to work in psychology and if so would you consider postgraduate courses? There is a shortage of educational psychologists.. there is also clinical psychology? What about social work? let me know your thoughts... asp?txtNavID=129&635132=

Have a look at the Prison Service site. I know that they employ psychologists, and the degree would also allow you to apply for the Intensive Development Scheme.
Also look at your local police and probation services, and you can apply to join the Civil Service on a graduate recruitment programme.

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psychology degree?

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