I compete in BB so i maybe able to help...
Not really, depends what brand you buy. Keep it in the fridge, keeps fresher for longer. I make mine at 6pm, put it in the fridge ready for 9pm...Where do you think the Protein is going to go ??? if anything it loses it taste...thats all.
I wouldnt suggest leaving it for hours, as it may go off (it is milk and cheese etc) what do you expect.
Take about 2grams per 1lb of bodyweight. I take 250...
Take it sperate. Take it though out the day..3-4 times.
mix solid food (chicken, turkey etc aswell) this will keep you system work fine.
best times??
1) wake up
2) 45 mins b4 training
3) stright after training
remember protein very high...carbs bit lower than protein and fats...at 50grams.
Take salmon twice a week to!