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Doctor Doctor

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MrBen5 | 07:56 Wed 04th Jul 2007 | Jokes
9 Answers
Hmmm, i heard a rumour that they are thinking of bannng the doctor doctor jokes as it may cause offense to muslims, as lots are going round at the moment.
Anyone else heard of this?


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nope not heard that but got this sent to me

' one of the glasgow airport suicide bombers has just been named...... Sinjed Injeep'
what a ridiculous statement mrben, which i think you have made up yourself in order to get a response. Who is "they"? how would "they" stop people telling jokes? Do people really think gb is going to stand up in pmq's today and say "and for my first piece of legislation i'm going to ban people telling certain jokes, and btw im going to be round your house to make sure you're complying"

mr ben, you are either very gulliable or very stupid, or just wanna cause trouble!
I don�t know about that but the Acme Corporation has noticed a drop in share prices since Roadrunner has been banned from buying its products.
I only heard this just now, here on AB.

Of course it isn't true..yet again another thing made up by the 'anti-pc's'
Heard a rumour off a man with one of those nice white jackets where your arms strap to the front of it....
I cannot remember any situation however tragic when jokes were not quickly flying around. I think part of the Britich pschcy is the ability to laugh however ashamedly at things. There is nothing wrong with it, people are too touchy sometimes.
I agree Doc!!! I think "they" have got a job on their hands lol
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