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Neilzulu - Coming from you, believe me, your comments REALLY do not bother me. I am most certainly not a bunny boiler but one thing is clear from your consistently insulting posts on AB, you seem like a complete halfwit. So no, I won't shut up because you tell me to. If I want to talk on my own post, then I shall. The comments of a bumbling idiot who sporadically posts insults to fellow ABers will not deter me. No smoke without fire? You really are an idiot if you believe that.
Yes, I am a complete nutter - spot on for that observation. I wreaked havoc with my poor innocent neighbour , hands up, it was all my doing. I dragged my heavily pregnant belly down the street with me as I dialled 999 on the poor little lamb who chased me with her charming little friends saying that they were going to kill my unborn child. You are absolutely right, I should have stood still and let them. Oh and when they reversed their car at my young daughter and I , I should not have jumped out of the way, I should have let them enjoy their harmless game of human skittles. Furthermore, how unreasonable of me to complain to the police about my husband being assaulted, my child being threatened with being stabbed , visitors to my house being spat on, having bricks lobbed at them or having my front door urinated on and how unreasonable of me not to allow them to blast loud music day and night. Who needs sleep after all? Not me, nor my kids.
28 neighbours (all of them) signed a petition to take to the police, we had involvement with victim support and regularly liased with our local police station. We were NOT the only neighbours to complain about her - we just bore the brunt of it because we were in closest proximity to her. We can't ALL be wrong. Only a complete idiot would believe that it was my fault. Bunny boiler? Away and boil your head!