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oops me again!!

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Goodsoulette | 12:59 Tue 10th Jul 2007 | Body & Soul
11 Answers
I have a little boy and its his birthday on Sunday. His uncle wants to take him to the airshow at Fairford for the weekend with his cousin. Yup thats lovely and very exciting but he wont be back till Sunday evening. Hes only going to be 6 and I'm sure he wont notice that he isn't spending his birthday at home but I'm not sure whether its the right thing to do. We were going to go to Lundy for the day, with his cousin and my dad so nothing big but it feels a bit wrong.

Am I being silly? I can always do him a really nice birthday tea when he gets home. Or should I have him here? I know his dad will kick off he phones and Jay isnt here.


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If I was six I would be over the moon to go to an airshow and sleep over with my cousin.
Why not ring his Dad and discuss it so he is involved in the decision?
At six, I think your son will be able to express what he wants.
If he wanted to go, I would let him!
Can't you join him at the airshow?

Birthdays should be for the people having it, not for the ones around them!
Ok, no sleepover. I just reread your post.
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lol cause hes an arse and I dont like talking to him.

Yeah okay, sounds sensible.
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No there is a sleepover, he'll be gone from Friday night. Yeah you are right, it is for him. I cant go because my toddler wont cope with the noise at all.
I suppose it depends on what your son wants to do. Could you not go with them for the weeekend? I think I'd be sorry to miss the sixth, I know as they get older they will start wanting to do their own things for their birthday but at 6 he's still young and you can still enjoy it with him.

I think if he really really wanted to go I'd let him but if I felt he'd be just as happy not going then I think I'd just keep him with me and do as I'd planned to do. I don't think he'd reallymind not going would he?
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I think he would, he was asked a long time ago but we didn't realise the weekends match. Im just gonna have to ask him whether he wants to go Lundy, or whether he wants to go and see all the cool planes. I cant take his younger brother if I do go and Evan wont like being without me or Jay for 2 days. Whereas Jay will probably have a whale of a time and not realise we arent there.
why dont you txt or call his dad and say jay will be away at the airshow for weekend but back at 6pm .so would you like to call at 6.30 or even 6.45 to be onthe safe side .
he is jays dad and im sure if you put it like that he will understand .
if not then he will still know when he can phone and just dont kick off at each other .ok??
Let him go to the show if that's what he wants to do!
at the age of 6, I'm not sure birthdays are just for the birthday boys themselves; parents have an emotional involvement in their growth too. Could you maybe hold his brithday (presents, cakes etc) on Friday before he goes? I don't think the actual date will be so important to him, but I can understand that you'll feel a bit odd not celebrating with him.
Fast jets or Lundy island... I know what I'd prefer. Also, saw the advert for Fairford the other day and kids go free, so you can spend extra on his pressie :o). Could you not go up on the Sunday and spend the day with him like that? Is he going to the airshow on the Sunday?

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