Do you have any written evidence of making the loan? if not, even it it's family, you could be on dodgy ground as some people don't even regard family debts as debts of honour which have to be repaid. You could try having a word with them telling them you are unhappy about the situation and that you will be writing to them formally asking them to set up a standing order payable to your bank account of �x per month. Tell them that you now need the money and are relying on them not to let you down, having helped them out at a difficult time. Send them the letter and if they still don't respond, you may have to resort to the courts. You say they haven't repaid you anything for 18 mlonths. Was that money paid into your bank account, which you could use as evidence that money was paid to you by them? If they repaid in cash, and you didn't give them a receipt or keep a record it will be difficult for you to prove or disprove any transaction. Just learn the hard but sad lesson that even family members are not always to be trusted and don't loan money again.