I'm sure you guys are going to start thinking I'm making this pregnancy/baby up.
This is my 12th day overdue. I went for 2nd sweep yesterday but the midwife was unable to reach membranes cos baby_woo head had engaged further. My cervix has softened since my last sweep; my Bishop Score is now a 7 (the best is 10).
I felt crampy yesterday afternoon so I stayed as active as I could but my back was killing me by 9pm so I went to bed with 2 paracetamol. I expected to be woken in the night with more pains but yet again they died off.
Good news is that Spud is no longer back-to-back, my exercises paid-off!
My induction has been put back 24hrs cos they were over-booked so instead of going in tomorrow I'm going in at 4pm on Fri. Who knows, I might go into labour naturally before then (ha ha ha ha ha, yeah right!)
Going back to mw today cos I now need to have BP & urine monitored daily cos I'm so overdue.
I'll keep you posted x