If you could use a search engine to connect the question title with your databank, the results page could read;-
"We've checked our databank to see if your question has already been answered. The items below seem to fit. � check them out. If the answer you seek is not there, click the RESUBMIT button at the bottom of the page and we'll post your question on the AnswerBank"
At the bottom would be the question as originally typed.
If the idea is feasible, it would make life easier for the enquirers, as well as less irritating for your regular readers. Hand-searching to find if a question has been asked is tedious and slow � and people new to your sitedon't think to do it, anyway.
I only found your site a week ago and already it has affected my life. Not only am I spending lots of time reading the questions and trying to solve the puzzles but the sites recommended by your contributors are treasures themselves. Keep up the good work!