Saga Xword (August) in The AnswerBank: Crosswords
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Saga Xword (August)

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Kirkpatrick | 14:43 Wed 25th Jul 2007 | Crosswords
6 Answers
6dn Man, perhaps, that is attired like Harry Potter
SPE??ES (I think) it looked like SPELLED but 16 acr. looks like GIBES, so the "S" seems ok !
12 dn I can only think it's DOLLS HOUSE but ...
thanks for help in advance
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6d Spec(ie)s
16a is gibes
12d is dolls house
6d is species
Question Author
thanks - good thinking Batman !
Just for information - the Boar's Head Tavern in Shakespeare's Henry V was kept by Doll Tearsheet - hence Doll's House (also a play by Ibsen)
Two silly mistakes due to relying on my memory instead of looking something up - it was Henry IV part two (not Henry V) , and Doll Tearsheet was a prostitute at Mistress Quickly's Boar's Head Tavern.
As Rev. Spooner might have pointed out, Doll Tearsheet kept the *****'s Bed!

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Saga Xword (August)

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