Hi everyone! I am a complete novice when it comes to bonsai but have researched as much as i can on the two species that I own.My chinese elm is 20 years old and yes i know bought from B and Q. I ve had it for about 9 months and it sits on a north facing window so gets plenty of light. Recently it has started to leaf drop with leaves either going yellow or remaining green but shrivelling.It has now got to the point where it is looking very bare. can someone please give me an idiots guide and sum help?
It sounds like it is getting too dry/hot, as long as it doesnt get too cold it can go outside, also try re-potting into a specialist bonsai medium like Akadama, water it every day, especially when hot and dry. http://www.greendragonbonsai.co.uk/BONSAI_SOIL _AT_GREEN_DRAGON_BONSAI.htm
The medium that comes in these imported cheap Bonsai is usually what kills them off.